Kiddush Sample Menus


Deluxe Fish Menu

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Gefilte fish, 2-3 dips (chumus, matbucha, tchina), 2 fresh salads, lox, toffuti cream cheese, bagels, crackers, chips, hot cholent, 2 types of sweet dessert

Deli Style Spread

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Assorted deli meat (corn beef, pastrami, turkey, mock chicken), pickles, olives, rolls, cole slaw, potato salad, crackers, hot cholent, 2 types of cake/cookies

Sandwhich Bar Style

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Egg salad, tuna salad, veggie platter, fruit platter, sliced bread, crackers (tam tams, saltines, flat breads),  pasta salad, hot cholent, potato kugel, 2 desserts

Sephardic Menu

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 Hot D'fina (sephardic cholent), spicy carrot salad, pita triangles or mini pita rounds, spicy eggplant salad, babganoush, chumus, cousous dish, bourekas, baklava....